The series follows smart, capable and by the book Grace Narayan (Anjli Mohindra), who was flying high as an inner-city police sergeant before being forced into a 'punishment posting' on the ...
Starz宣布拍摄《白王后》(The White Queen)及《白公主》(The White Princess)的姐妹篇限定剧《西班牙公主》(The Spanish Princess),由Charlot te Hope饰演女主角。该剧根据菲莉帕·格里高利所著的小说《The Constant Princess》及《The King’s Curse》改编,现定于美国时间5月8日首播。 《西班牙...
Starz宣布拍摄《白王后》(The White Queen)及《白公主》(The White Princess)的姐妹篇限定剧《西班牙公主》(The Spanish Princess),由Charlot te Hope饰演女主角。该剧根据菲莉帕·格里高利所著的小说《The Constant Princess》及《The King’s Curse》改编,现定于美国时间5月8日首播。 《西班牙...