A mother moves into an old family home to undergo a rigorous treatment that she hopes will help her autistic daughter communicate. The therapy seems successful when the girl miraculously begins to spe...
Javi, a young rent boy living in Madrid, comes to a sauna club looking for a job. But soon he'll find out a place full of secrets, the biggest of them being a strange man who will fall in love w...
Ricky, a top contender in Muay Thai Kickboxing trains for the title belt, all the while dealing with new relationships, money problems, and family drama....
安吉警官(马里奥·卡萨斯 Mario Casas 饰)是第七禁毒组的组长,奉上级命令,他要带领禁毒组连根铲除在当地发展得根深蒂固的毒品交易网络。要完成这项危险的任务,少不了拉法尔(安东尼奥·德拉·托雷 Antonio de la Torre 饰)的帮助,拉法尔不仅是安吉的好搭档,同时也是一个经验丰富的老警察。 在安吉和拉法尔的合作下,黑恶势力节节败退,尽管禁毒组所使用的手段并非全部都光明正大...
It's Christmas and Zip and Zap are up to their old tricks. But this time they've gone too far and their punishment will be no Christmas vacation and a seemingly boring boat trip with their par...