Filled with expectations, Etienne moves to Paris from Lyon to study film directing at the Sorbonne. He leaves behind his girlfriend Lucie, promising to call her regularly via Skype. On his course he...
The action of the film takes place in 1943. The title character is a cosmopolitan and incapable of deeper feelings seducer. In Poland, he lost his entire family. Alone - being in the heart of Nazi G...
‘This is not science fiction’, says a commercial inviting young people to join the US Air Force. Indeed it is anything but a utopian vision when drones targeting humans in Afghanistan and other coun...
La storia del film, che riflette le vicende personali di Tini, racconta una nuova fase della vita della ragazza in cui diventa indipendente e si lascia alle spalle il mondo della serie Tv....
公元2149年,由于过度开发、人口爆炸和过分的污染。地球的生态环境越来越差,整个星球正逐步的走向死亡。虽然科学家们想改变现状进行了大量的努力,可是现状却无法挽回。此时,有科学家提出一个理论,逆转地球的现状已经无法实现,不过可以尝试通过时间旅行回到过去,让现在的精英们回到原来,通过重塑人类的发展进程避免现在这种状况的发生。吉姆(杰森·奥玛拉 Jason O'Mara 饰)一家是第十批进行...