A year in the life of a singular family. Sasquatch Sunset is, indeed, an utterly singular filmmaking feat. Deploying a daring approach with ferocious commitment, David and Nathan Zellner’s imaginat...
When the digital age is more dangerous than you think. A LINE TV Original, this omnibus drama covers 8 different stories in an interpretation that will thrill you with the dark side of the social w...
摄影师达克(泰伦斯·霍华德 Terrence Dashon Howard 饰)和记者西蒙(理查·基尔 Richard Gere 饰)是一对出生入死的好搭档,每日,他们穿梭在枪林弹雨之中,在最危险的前线为全世界人们带来战地的消息。凭借着真实可靠的报道,达克和西蒙获得了新闻 界人人梦寐以求的艾美奖,就此,他们的事业到达了巅峰。 一次意外中,报道现场发生了事故,西蒙失踪了,之后,达克获得了晋升,而...