您当前的位置:首页  »  综艺  »  路易不容易 第四季

主演:路易·C·K 帕梅拉·阿德龙 F·默里·亚伯拉罕 杰瑞米·雷纳 乌苏拉·帕克 

类型:欧美综艺导演:路易·C·K 状态:已完结年份:2014地区:美国语言:英语豆瓣:0.0分热度:386 ℃时间:2023-03-08 14:22:45

简介:详情  Louis C.K. as a newly meijubar.net divorced father raising his two daughters in New York City.It will be a h...

温馨提示:[DVD:标准清晰版] [BD:高清无水印] [HD:高清版] [TS:抢先非清晰版] - 其中,BD和HD版本不太适合网速过慢的用户观看。


    《路易不容易 第四季》是一部优秀的欧美综艺题材影视作品,由路易·C·K,帕梅拉·阿德龙,F·默里·亚伯拉罕,杰瑞米·雷纳,乌苏拉·帕克主演的。  Louis C.K. as a newly meijubar.net divorced father raising his two daughters in New York City.It will be a half-hour production.  The series will be loosely based on C.K.'s life, and will blend his stand-up material with extended autobiographical comedy short films depicting moments of his off-stage experiences.