Travelers looking for lodging. They then found the Melati Inn and became guests there. Until one day they realized that if they were in there, they would never get out again....
近未来,法国巴黎黑势力横行,以大毒枭塔哈(Bibi Naceri 饰)为首的黑帮更是横行无忌,连当地警方都惧怕三分。软弱的警方无法对抗势力强悍的黑帮,只能用围墙和工事将不法分子所在的区域隔离。在这个被称为“13区”的地方,鱼龙混杂,暗流涌动。年轻的小混混雷托(David Belle 饰)拒绝塔哈的毒品生意,双方发生激烈冲突。雷托原本将塔哈扭送警察局,结果遭到腐败警察的算计。塔哈不仅逍遥法外,雷...
Norman Taylor is a successful young professor, married with Tansy Taylor. He is a very skeptical man, while his wife believes in magic and witchcraft. One day, he finds lots of amulets and witchcraf...
Thomas and Thomas are going through a rough patch: they are both thirty-something actors living in Paris. They randomly decide to leave the city and fly away to Kullorsuaq, one of the most remote vi...