Black Sabbath, Queen, The Stone Roses, Oasis, Coldplay, Simple Minds, Robert Plant and Manic Street Preachers are some of the greatest bands and musicians of our time, but what is the one thing these ...
劇場表演出身的瑞士女導演黛爾芬羅里賽,改編著名小說〈Year of the Drought〉的《地平線上.炙熱之夏》,描述1976年歐洲遭逢熱浪的夏天,13歲農場少年面對家庭崩毀、青春成長的生活變化。黛爾芬羅里賽以精湛的人性刻劃,講述一則告別童年與女性自覺的故事。看似風光明媚的鄉間風景,實則內蘊性別角力與死亡暗潮。曾演出蔡明亮《臉》的歐洲名模蕾蒂莎卡斯塔,在片中也展現洗盡鉛華的內斂演出。...
Lukas, a young farmer whose family is killed by savage raiders in the countryside, sets out on an epic quest for revenge, forming an unlikely trio with a majestic dragon and a swashbuckl...