Heartless follows Sofie and Sebastian - two siblings meijubar.net with a deep dark and fatal secret. In order to survive they must suck energy out of other people. We follow their quest for answers as...
Inspired by HBO's acclaimed drama "True Detective," Investigation Discovery brings to life actual homicide cases through the words of the law enforcement officers who are still haunted b...
盖尔·加西亚·贝纳尔将主演帕布罗·拉雷恩([第一夫人])执导的[厄玛](Ema,暂译),吉列尔莫·考尔德隆([追捕聂鲁达])与亚历杭德罗·莫雷诺(Alejandro Moreno)共同操刀剧本,其他加盟的卡司包括玛丽安娜·迪·吉罗拉莫(Mariana Di Girolamo)、桑地亚哥·卡布瑞拉(《大小谎言》)。加西亚与玛丽安娜饰演一对夫妻,在经历了一场收养后,整个家庭都分崩离析。这也是继[智利说...
A suburban woman fights to be believed as she finds herself stalked by a threatening figure who returns to her house night after night. When she can't get help from those around her, she is forced...
小小少年T.S. 斯派维(凯尔·凯特莱特 Kyle Catlett 饰)生于蒙大拿州一个偏远牧场,他有一颗聪明绝顶的大脑,酷爱制图学和科学图解,年仅十岁就发明了永动机。他的父亲(考乐姆·吉斯·雷尼 Callum Keith Rennie 饰)是个狂热的牛仔迷,搜集关于西部牛仔的一切;母亲(海伦娜·伯翰·卡特 Helena Bonham Carter 饰)是一位生物学博士,潜心投入到昆虫研究中;...