Richard Morrison求助于一家成功的公司Quitter'e Incorporated来戒烟,这家公司是由Vinnie Donatti博士来主持,并且向每位客户保证可达到戒烟的目的,不幸的是,这项戒烟计划内的3项措施将足以使得Morrison与其家人丧命..... 一位职业网球员被发现和黑道大哥的女人有染,他被迫作出选择,一是被杀,另一是自愿沿着大楼高层的突出外沿来走一圈,若顺利完成他...
Sarah, a struggling young woman living in Brooklyn, agrees to volunteer as an experimental subject for a pharmaceutical company called Dynamic Health Cure to be the bearer of LEXX and make money to so...
当A先生醒来时,发现自己全身赤裸地躺在放满水的浴缸中,而他的肾脏被偷去了。浴缸旁边的墙壁上赫然写着go to the hospital”。A先生急于找回他的肾,却遇到了陌生男人递给他纸条,叫他去见一位女作家。女作家说他只存在于她的剧本里,她不知如何给他结局,要他自己掌握自己的命运。镜头外,戏已快要拍完,男主角将与A先生见面...紧要关头,A先生如何结束这一场戏,又能否找回自己的肾... 2008...
Cheaper by the Dozen, a reimagining of the hit comedy from “Blackish” producer Kenya Barris, will debut on DisneyPlus in 2022. The story centers on a blended family of 12, navigating a hectic home lif...