Wolfgang, a professional mercenary for hire is thrust in the middle of a local dispute when hired by a wealthy benefactor. But when he develops a friendship with a young orphan and a local tour guide,...
A team of scientists face dangerous consequences after they conduct a clandestine experiment to breach the quantum barrier and travel to another dimension....
A cheerleader is imprisoned and made to jump through social media challenges for a seemingly motivated kidnapper - but does he want more than he is telling her?...
艾瑟(蒂尔·施威格 Til Schweiger 饰)长相英俊个性讨喜,唯一的缺点就是太花心。有一天,艾瑟正在自己工作的餐厅同相识没多久的女客人偷换,正巧被同事兼同居女友多罗(卡嘉·瑞曼 Katja Riemann 饰)逮了个正着,这下可好了,不仅女友红颜大怒,艾瑟也失去了唯一的住所。 无奈之中,艾瑟的朋友将艾瑟带到了诺伯(约阿希姆·科尔 Joachim Król 饰)家,诺伯是一名同性恋者,...
弗兰克(乔·斯皮内尔 Joe Spinell 饰)和母亲过着相依为命的生活,虽然母亲常常虐待他,但弗兰克对母亲还是有着深深的依恋。在一场意外中,母亲不幸丧生,痛不欲生的弗兰克常年压抑的扭曲性格终于爆发了,他将自己的悲伤和愤怒都发泄在了杀戮之中。 弗兰克常常诱拐无知的年轻女性回家,杀死她们,并且残忍的损坏她们的尸体,这种种行动能够让弗兰克发泄心中的压力,修复回忆的伤痛。一天,弗兰克邂逅了名为安...