In a savage land where zombies roam freely - Lieutenant Colonel Sawyer is armed with machine guns, body armor and courage. He is on a mission to give his family a burial at sea. To reach the coast, he...
本系列收录下列影片: 金字塔之王 埃及艳后 图坦卡门 一代女王 叛逆的法老 拉姆西斯大帝 金字塔之王 The Great Egyptians - King of the Pyramids 四千年来,金字塔一直是令人着迷的伟大建筑,而其中的创世巨作,则是出自埃及法老「史奈佛汝」之手。从梅登金字塔的尝试、达西尔金字塔的天花板、到吉萨大金字塔的壮观走廊,都只是金字塔的一小步。史奈佛汝...
CNN纪录片 The Lost Tomb of Jesus is a documentary which makes a case that the 2,000-year-old "Tomb of the Ten Ossuaries" belonged to the family of Jesus of Nazareth....