对女王和英国皇室行事作风充满赞扬的片子,据说拍摄公司 RDF 做了一年的工作,才得到皇室信任,准许出入皇室内部,贴身拍摄。片名原来叫 A Year with the Queen (《女王的一年》),现在改为 Monarchy: The Royal Family At Work (《工作中的皇室》),强调皇室作为名义上的国家元首,其实也是公务繁忙,女王兢兢业业,手下精明干练,既坚持传统--皇家厨...
虽然从小就生活在曼斯菲尔德庄园中,但这里的一切却无法让范妮(弗兰西丝·奥康纳 Frances O'Connor 饰)感到一丝亲切。寄人篱下的身份让年幼的她饱尝了人情的冷暖,好在有善良的埃德蒙德(约翰·李·米勒 Jonny Lee Miller 饰)的关心和陪伴,范妮才得以保留心中那一块小小的净土。才华横溢的范妮喜欢通过文字来记录内心的所想所感,成为一名作家是她最大的梦想。 亨利(亚历...
Though Delluc's career was short-lived, it burst vigorously(7 films in 4 years)that it forever left its imprint on french cinema history, and they rightly honoured him by giving the annual Prix ...
A scout patrol stumbles upon diamonds during a camp. Torn between give them back, sharing them, or keeping them, each member questions his own morality. Meanwhile, there is a danger for the wasps: t...
When two bodies are discovered by the side of a fishing stream, Barnaby and Troy have yet more murders to solve. Isobel Hewitt had a zest for life that some can only hope for. She loves to drive her r...