Best friends for life, Jane and Fiona have done everything together since kindergarten - Jane following wherever Fiona will lead. Left devastated and adrift following Fiona's sudden suicide, Jane&...
“Legacy: The True Story of the LA Lakers” is the upcoming 10-part Hulu Original docuseries from Lakers’ CEO and controlling owner Jeanie Buss and Emmy? Award-winning director Antoine Fuqua. It capture...
Based on a script by Bornedal, Shadows in My Eyes (Skyggen i mit ?je) will focus on the bombing of the Gestapo headquarters in Copenhagen in 1945, one of the most tragic events in Denmark during WW2, ...
Feeling career burnout, pop star Angelina escapes to grant a young fan's wish in small-town New York, where she not only finds the inspiration to revitalize her career but also a shot at true love...