The origins of the Justice League are explained as Detective John Jones and Batman try to discover what the 'Centre' is, Superman and Wonder Woman are soldiers for the United States Army, Fl...
Grace, an aspiring model, is thrilled to have fashion photographer Hunter Kelly help launch her career. But when the photo shoot becomes a kidnapping showing Hunter's true intentions to use Grac...
剧集是一部以迷人的伦敦切尔西区为背景的当代犯罪片,住在船屋的探长Max Arnold 虽出生在精致富有的切尔西区,但他本人行事低调的风格却与精英专属的切尔西区相去甚远。他与周围的邻居相隔一段距离,住在一艘船屋上。Max 和他的搭档Priya Shamsie探员解决了一系列骇人听闻的谋杀案,揭开了切尔西标志性建筑背后的阴暗世界。他们所遇见的尸体,出现在一些不太可能的地方,包括家族经营的意大利餐厅、与...
布鲁诺·杜蒙正在筹备迷你剧《小孩子》第二季《库安库安,周遭的人》(Coincoin And The Extra-human,暂译)。第二季依旧围绕不适应周遭的坎坎展开,此时他已长大,告别了自己的昵称库安库安。坎坎终日游走在周边,和好友胖子参加党派会议,儿时的挚爱夏娃也为了一个女人而离开了他。新一季不仅将涉及大量科幻元素,还将融入移民危机问题和民粹政治的崛起等社会热点。杜蒙依旧选择在法国北部的奥...