During Harry Houdini's tour of Britain in 1926, the magician enters into a passionate affair with a Scottish woman. 本片根据哈里·胡迪尼的故事改编而成。胡迪尼是一位享誉国际的脱逃艺术家,能不可思议地从绳索、脚镣及手铐中脱困,同时他也是以魔术方法戳穿所谓“通灵术”的反伪科...
加拿大CBC宣布预订11集新剧《Frankie Drake》。故事设定在上世纪二十年代(也就是加拿大历史上臭名昭著的华人移民禁令时期和反共时期),Lauren Lee Smith扮演多伦多唯一的女私人侦探,她专门承接警方不想办理也无力办理的案件。她知道如何运用自己的「女性资本」,但她并不总是在法律的范畴内行事。在搭档Trudy的帮助下,「Frankie与Drake侦探社」有能力迎接任何挑战。Fra...
Two brothers Carmelo and Gino (Girgenti and Webber) are raised by their mob boss grandfather Salvatore Gianni (Williams). Through a series of events Salvatore is killed and the boys then go on a journ...