一晃十年过去,地球人和虫族的战争如火如荼,愈演愈烈。某日,空军元帅奥玛•阿诺克(斯蒂芬•霍根 Stephen Hogan 饰)来地球人的远方农场罗库山视察,时任上校的强尼•瑞克(加斯帕•范•迪恩 Casper Van Dien 饰)也一同前来。在此期间,阿诺克的心智被虫王操控,他切断了隔离区的电力,使基地完全失去保护。是夜,虫族对隔离区发动总攻,地球军虽顽强抵抗,终因寡不敌众而告败,基地陷落。...
A young couple of different religious faiths and very much in love, meet a tragic accident that puts both of them in a coma and sets their spirits off on a quest to figure out how to be together in th...
Weaving links between New York’s auction houses and art dealers, a revered British Leonardo da Vinci expert, one opportunistic Swiss go-between, a Russian oligarch, London’s Tate Gallery, Le Musée d...
The coming of age drama portray the relentless pursuit of the layman, the oppressed section of society who is in a constant struggle and fight to reclaim their unique identity and rightful place in a ...
当聪明的柬埔寨医生Thony De La Rosa来到美国治疗,以拯救她生病的儿子,她很快发现她的道路不会像她希望的那样简单。当这个系统很快让她失望,迫使她躲起来,她决心不让自己被打倒和边缘化,成为有组织犯罪的清洁女工。利用她的狡猾和智慧,Thony在黑社会中开辟了自己的道路,做她必须生存的任何事情。...