Set at the start of Covid, Family Portrait follows a family on an idle but hectic morning when they have planned a group picture. When the mother vanishes and one daughter becomes desperate to find ...
In a North Dublin housing estate Char's mother goes missing. When she returns Char is determined to uncover the truth of her disappearance and unearth the dark secrets of her family....
地球上一直存在着一个黑暗的地下世界。那里,两大种族――吸血鬼和狼人――在斗得你死我活,每一方都以消灭对方种族为最终目标。 一次,吸血鬼族的“月神”西丽妮(凯特?贝金赛尔 Kate Beckinsale 饰)在追杀几个落败的狼人时发现,狼人正在密谋绑架人类的一名医生麦克尔 (斯科特?斯比德曼 Scott Speedman 饰)。心知狼人必有所图,西丽妮独自前往狼窝查探。不料中了狼人的埋伏,身负重伤...
杰西卡·查斯坦将主演乡村音乐女王塔米·温妮特(Tammy Wynette)的传记限定剧《乔治和塔米》(George & Tammy,暂译)。该剧改编自乔治·琼斯和塔米的女儿乔琪莎·琼斯撰写的书籍《The Three of Us: Growing Up with Tammy and George》,讲述了这对乡村音乐眷侣六年的婚姻生活,以及在此期间创作的金曲《We’re Gonna Hold...