多比斯(罗宾·威廉斯 Robin Williams)主持的脱口秀节目非常犀利,能旁征博引言辞刺骨地把美国总统们讽刺一番,把听众乐得心花怒放。甚至有听众建议他不如参选总统,一展身手。 多比斯的参选让他成为了草根阶层的代表,自然也获得了民众的大量支持。而且,多比斯拥有的杰出口才更是在辩论赛中占尽优势,令他在众多候选人中显得卓越不凡。大选结果让多比斯大为振奋——无背景无资历的他竟然以超过半数德票选...
In 1905, French seminarian Bruno Reidel is found guilty of murdering a child. At the request of the doctors observing him, he writes his memoirs to explain his action....
Do we truly know one another? Every one of us has three lives: a public, a private and secret one. What we once stored in our memories is now being stored in our phones - what happens when these are...