12-year-old friends, Marshall, Gilbert and Amy accidentally revive a mummy they discover in a neighbor's basement. They affectionately name the mummy Harold, and must rush to return him to his r...
Desperate to escape the dangerous and deadly leader of a satanic death metal band, mother-to-be Lucia moves to a remote cabin in the forest with her grandmother. Though safe in her surroundings, she i...
搏击高手波恩(迈克尔•加•怀特 Michael Jai White 饰)新近由狱中释放,他在洛杉矶一条炎热、有些混乱的街区租下了一个房间。每天夜色降临的时候,城市中无数地下拳场也开始活跃了起来,波恩很快物色了一位黑拳经纪人平宝,与其合作后击败了无数对手,而这一系列战斗的目的,是为了获得挑战詹姆斯团伙的资格。詹姆斯手中拥有最强大的黑拳战士,而他的情人安吉拉,似乎和波恩有着千丝万缕的关联…… 不...
魔幻战争逐渐进入高潮阶段。霍比特人佛罗多(伊利亚·伍德 Elijah Wood 饰)携带着魔戒,与伙伴山姆(西恩·奥斯汀 Sean Astin 饰)以及狡猾阴暗的咕噜等前往末日山,一路上艰难险阻不断,魔君索伦为阻止魔戒被销毁用尽全力阻挠。另一方面,白袍巫师甘道夫(伊恩·麦克莱恩 Ian McKellen 饰)率中土勇士们镇守刚铎首都——白城米那斯提里斯。魔兽大军压境,黑暗与光明的决战即将来临…...