Cynthia and Mary show up to collect Cynthia's inheritance from her deceased grandfather, the only item she's received is an antique sword that was believed by her grandfather to be proof that ...
这是一部充满音乐表演的无厘头喜剧。杰克(约翰·贝鲁西 John Belushi 饰)和艾伍德(丹·艾克罗伊德 Dan Aykroyd 饰)曾经是音乐狂人,组乐队搞演出是他们的拿手好戏。杰克却因为一桩抢劫案而坐了牢,从此荒废了音乐事业。出狱那天,艾伍德前来接风,二人兴致勃勃前往自幼长大的孤儿院探望玛丽修女,却被告知这个孤儿院已经欠了一大笔税款面临关门,除非有人能在十一天内凑齐5000美元。 二...
Jane Austen remains one of the greatest writers of all time. Almost two hundred years after her death, her novels such as “Pride and Prejudice” and “Mansfield Park” continue to entrance generations ...