"Mixte" takes place in an all-male high school when girls are allowed in for the first time. Set in 1960s France, the series looks at the relationships and "hormonal fireworks" of ...
令人期待的同志系列电影【Donald Strachey Mystery】是同志付费频道Here!推出的同志推理影集。自第一部《Third Man Out》一炮而红后,Here!保持着每年一部的制作速度。今年本来该是原著系列第6部“Ice Blues”搬上银幕,但7月16日Here!播出的却是根据原著第2部“On the Other Hand, Death”改编,这委实给人带来不小的惊喜:众所周知,...
A woman in a traffic jam desperately tries to help another woman she sees in the back of a van hold held by a hand that appears from the dark background of the vehicle....
Pretty and popular, seventeen-year-old Brooke Emerson is the envy of her classmates--and even some of her closest friends. But while she seems to have it all, Brooke has never felt so lost. Ever sin...
少女葛利叶(斯嘉丽•约翰逊 Scarlett Johansson 饰)家境贫寒,于是来到画家维梅尔(科林•费尔斯 Colin Firth 饰)家做女佣。维梅尔和妻子、岳母一起生活,她们常常摆出颐指气使的神情,妻子对正当青春的葛利叶更是戒心重重。在非常苛刻和压抑的氛围下,葛利叶在维梅尔家过得卑躬屈膝。 维梅尔的画带给了她一点生活的乐趣。她收拾主人画室的时候,流露出了对艺术的天分。她跟维梅尔谈论...