为了追求自己的“兔”生意义,年少轻狂的比得(詹姆斯·柯登 James Corden 配音)踏上了背井离乡的路并成功赢得老江湖巴拿巴的青睐、成为了团伙中的扛把子,怎料却将追随而来的昔日老友们推入死亡陷阱。 幡然醒悟后,比得化身“兔界阿汤哥”带领同伴展开海陆空三栖大营救。高空跳伞、水下救援、雪山速滑、快艇追击,无所不能。在这场冒险旅途中,比得收获了友情,理解了亲情,最终实现了自我成长,成为真正的“兔一...
Follows the people racing to bring the hot new 3D printing technology to your home, documenting the "Macintosh Moment" of this revolution and exploring what it takes to live the American D...
Journey To Space unveils a new era of unprecedented deep space exploration in dramatic giant screen film format. It tells the true exciting story of what the next chapter of space exploration holds ...