Bruce, a successful money manager to the stars, and his beautiful Swedish girlfriend Emma seem to be the perfect couple, so it only seems natural that when Emma decides to leave New York to accept a p...
HBO Max宣布预订DC旗下Vertigo漫画《DMZ非军事区 DMZ》的改编剧试映集,由《当他们瞧见我们时 When They See Us》的Ava DuVernay负责执导。 这部预定20年上半年拍摄的试映集,讲述不久的将来曼哈顿在美国内战下成为非军事区,这个地方因战火而惨遭蹂躏并与外界隔绝;而主角是一名女军医,她一边找寻失踪的儿子,一边拯救不同的生命,并且周旋于帮派﹑民兵﹑军阀及煽...
FORGED IN FIRE features world-class bladesmiths competing against each other to create some of the most iconic edged weapons from history. In each episode, four of the best bladesmiths in the countr...