《The Good Guys》是一部传统的警匪(罪案)剧,但它有几个值得注意的关键词:幽默,守旧派警察,现代派侦探,鸡毛蒜皮的小案子。把这几个关键词拼凑到一起,就是本剧的基本轮廓。 Dan Stark(Bradley Whitford扮演,《白宫西翼》)曾是达拉斯城里无人不知的大侦探。三十年后,Dan的那些「英雄事迹」早已被人们遗忘,再没有人把他当成英雄,甚至没有人记得他的名字。Dan只能整...
Session Aces. Keepers of Time. Vocalists. Composers. The sidemen and sidewomen who play the riffs and fills we imitate in the air. When we turn up the radio, chances are we are listening to one of t...
In an abandoned theater, French actress Marina Vlady recites from Borges' "The Immortal"... Japanese research scientist Shin Kubota sings praises to the "immortal jellyfish"....