一晃十年过去,地球人和虫族的战争如火如荼,愈演愈烈。某日,空军元帅奥玛•阿诺克(斯蒂芬•霍根 Stephen Hogan 饰)来地球人的远方农场罗库山视察,时任上校的强尼•瑞克(加斯帕•范•迪恩 Casper Van Dien 饰)也一同前来。在此期间,阿诺克的心智被虫王操控,他切断了隔离区的电力,使基地完全失去保护。是夜,虫族对隔离区发动总攻,地球军虽顽强抵抗,终因寡不敌众而告败,基地陷落。...
初来乍到的鞋子设计师凯丽(詹妮弗·格雷 Jennifer Grey 饰)过着拮据的生活,她不仅在事业上郁郁不得志,更不得不受三名室友的气。一次偶然中,凯丽帮助了一个落难的妇人,没想妇人摇身一变成为了神奇的魔女,她施法让凯丽设计的一双高跟鞋拥有了魔力,只要凯丽穿上它,既能够变成美若天仙的完美女性。 一日,凯丽穿着这双魔鞋来到设计师萨尔维托(罗伯·劳 Rob Lowe 饰)举办的晚会,光芒四射的...
Prodigal daughter Tumi goes home for the holidays and manages to ruin her sister's wedding plans. Now she must make things right before it's too late....
Prodigal daughter Tumi goes home for the holidays and manages to ruin her sister's wedding plans. Now she must make things right before it's too late....
Prodigal daughter Tumi goes home for the holidays and manages to ruin her sister's wedding plans. Now she must make things right before it's too late....