三个无家可归的男孩,两个兄弟,他们是好朋友,住在俄罗斯的铁路车站。有一天,他们决定去在寻找一个更美好的明天。他们想越过边界偷偷进入波兰,寻找他们想要的一切,可是孩子们还没有家庭,朋友,幸福... ... Dorota Kędzierzawska's film tells the story of three homeless Russian boys who travel to Po...
The film is dedicated to the Armenian monk and genius composer Komitas, and the 2 million victims on his people in Turkey in 1915. The final 20 years of Komitas life were spent in various mental hos...
The film which is based on the life on an Indian scientist Shivkar Bapuji Talpade, who is credited to have constructed India's first unmanned plane is the tale of the hardships that he went thro...