A make-under rather than a make-over show, targeting people whose style is so in your face you cannot help stop and stare while their family and friends squirm with embarrassment....
跟着想像力丰富的Julie回到三叠纪、侏罗纪和白垩纪时期,发掘惊人的海底世界,一起看看力量强大的巨型滑齿龙、长颈的薄板龙和巨大的秀尼鱼龙如何在恐龙统治地球之前称霸海底王国。 Through the power of IMAX 3D, experience a wondrous adventure from the dinosaur age. Join Julie, an imaginativ...
A documentary on kids who attend a summer camp hoping to become the next Billy Graham.一部记录希望变成下一个Billy Graham的参加夏令营的孩子的片子.本片是关于一群小孩子参加夏令营而希望自己成为葛培理的记录片。越来越多的福音基督徒开始认为需要由年轻的基督徒来领导宗教运动。...