In Truman Kewley's disturbing psycho-thriller debut, a sociopathic amateur film-maker kidnaps the woman he wants to play his fantasy girlfriend role....
A 12-year-old boy turns to a charismatic loner for help after being beaten up at school, in director Miles Warren’s searing feature debut about fathers, families, and the effects of fighting....
The movie will feature the family of Mohanlal's character Georgekutty and so they will be reprising their roles. The rest of the cast though will change, and we are sorting out the other aspects...
Yura, working at a local nature museum, looking for a rare species, witnesses an arson in the forest. He brings the photos to a local newspaper, and gets a job there. With his new profession it dawns ...
Yura, working at a local nature museum, looking for a rare species, witnesses an arson in the forest. He brings the photos to a local newspaper, and gets a job there. With his new profession it dawn...