Graduate student Alice Gilman is running from an abusive past. She seeks refuge in the infamous Hannah house; a historic home with an ominous past. Determined to prove the possibility of alternate d...
After years on the run, the mystery man known as "Trick" is back, but not on his own terms. Trick finds himself trapped in a cage with four other hostages - all of them paralyzed from the ...
In a shelter, staff and volunteers work together to welcome animals in need. The mental states of the animals and human beings are profoundly connected, and the aggressive dogs or nervous cats are o...
Some time after the Mousekewitz's have settled in America, they find that they are still having problems with the threat of cats. That makes them eager to try another home out in the west, where...
Ecrivain de 40 ans, Adrien Winckler à connu, sous le pseudonyme de Mody, une gloire éphémère à la parution de son premier roman. Mais depuis, l'inspiration s'est tarie et il se confronte à l...