This new three-part transformational science series follows a group of designers, engineers, programmers and tech experts as they face the challenge of coming up with innovative interventions that w...
The definition of a Sniper is: "A skilled military shooter detailed to spot and pick off enemy soldiers from a concealed place." Look at the advanced training techniques that transform the...
故事围绕着一群个性张扬的年轻人展开。托尼(尼古拉斯·霍尔特 Nicholas Hoult 饰),是一个长相帅气、生性叛逆的男生,在朋友圈里处于领导地位。在好朋友希德(麦克·拜利 Mike Bailey 饰)生日的这天,托尼决定要给他一个大“惊喜”——让自己的女友米歇尔(艾普萝·皮尔森 April Pearson 饰)帮希德告别处男之身。这夜将要举行一个狂欢派对,托尼把朋友都召集过来,形...
The spectacular CBS special! Shirley Temple Black hosts the festivities as 50 of todays top stars count down the 50 greatest screen legends of all time. Features Clint Eastwood, Jack Lemmon, Shirley...
阳光明媚的一天,史瑞克(迈克·梅尔斯 Mike Myers 配音)和菲奥娜(卡梅隆·迪亚茨 Cameron Diaz 配音)正在进行他们的蜜月旅行。在某个未知的叉路口,迷失方向的史瑞克和驴子(艾迪·墨菲 Eddie Murphy 饰)正对着一张地图争论,菲奥娜则被洋葱头做成的马车熏得直流眼泪。稀里糊涂的史瑞克找到一条荆棘丛生的险路,可是特洛尼斯突然出现劫走了菲奥娜。为了营救新婚妻子,史瑞克与驴...