ACLU lawyer Jeffery Robinson’s shattering talk on the history of U.S. anti-Black racism is interwoven with archival footage, interviews and Robinson’s story, exploring the legacy of white supremacy ...
The definition of a Sniper is: "A skilled military shooter detailed to spot and pick off enemy soldiers from a concealed place." Look at the advanced training techniques that transform the...
根号航空母舰(USS Ronald Reagan CVN-76)是美国尼米兹级核动力航空母舰的九号舰,也是美国在进入21世纪以后第一艘成军的航空母舰。2001年时完工下水的里根号是以美国第40任总统罗纳德·里根为名,里根总统是带领美国结束冷战时期、非常受美国人民爱戴的国家领袖,也是第一位本人还在世时就被拿来替军舰命名的前美国总统。不过由于新舰下水时里根本人因病无法参加仪式,因此是由前第一夫人萳...