Charlie Shepard自称是一名具有现代信仰的治疗师,靠Charlie微薄的收入,仅能供妻儿的吃喝。突然有一天,他的家人毫无理由的被不明身份的袭击者杀害,家人离去的痛苦和酒瘾不断困扰着他。 6个月后,查理放弃了以前的生活和他的房子,整天像一个鬼一样生活着。之后,一个名叫Sarah年轻神秘的女孩出现在镇上并找到Charlie,她是找到杀人凶手的唯一线索......
A letter for Miss Marple from a recently deceased friend promises a large reward for investigating a crime - without telling her who was involved, or when it happened! When she accepts, she is given a...
Tom, a married man with kids, is struggling at work when a client tries to seduce him with promises of a 'more exciting life'. On his way home one night he gets attacked by a gang of hoodies a...
手段无情冷酷的正义使者惩罚者卡斯尔(布莱恩·布鲁姆 Brian Bloom 配音)在追查军火贩子该隐(Kyle Hebert 配音)时遇到了黑寡妇(詹妮弗·卡朋特 Jennifer Carpenter 配音)和神盾局指挥官弗瑞(John Eric Bentley 配音)。神盾局志在防止他们所开发的尖端武器技术被利维坦等恐组织获取,因此急需沿着该隐这条线找到失窃的技术资料。崇尚个人主义的卡斯尔最终接...
In a dilapidated cyberpunk city plagued by crime and corruption, an unscrupulous District Attorney is savagely murdered and tossed out of a building onto his brand new car. Mysteriously, the Distri...
Zora has been described as an indigo since childhood, making her life always haunted and targeted by supernatural beings. Alongside her younger sibling, who is also an indigo, they strive to overcome ...