The second series of Outnumbered began on 15 November 2008. New characters in the second series include Barbara (Lorraine Pilkington), the next door neighbour who is meant to be brilliant at raising...
6 months after rescuing his family from Golding, Harry Clayton is a very different man. He hasn't laid a bet in 186 days and has sworn off using the power of the bracelet - until he meets a woman ...
CBS的多镜头喜剧《The Great Indoors》,讲述一名杂志的户外记者必须调整好自己,因为他被指派到杂志中的网上部门,而手下都是一群千禧一代的员工。 Joel McHale扮演风趣幽默的《室外奇兵》杂志明星编辑。是个野外生存里男人中的男人。他经常攀爬山岳,与熊 搏斗,追求刺激冒险的生活。但是他被迫派到了出版社的数码及社交媒体部门,在室内工作。身边同事都是年轻人,让他感觉到自己是外星来的或...