影片中的英国女电影人苏,乃由末任香港总督彭定康幼女彭雅思饰演。 镇压过印度革命者的英国警官被革命者视死如归的气概所感动,留下了一本记录当时情况的日记。多年后,他的孙女Sue(彭雅思 Alice Patten 饰)阅读日记后深受感动,凭着一腔热血辞掉电影公司的工作,来到印度拍摄这部记录那段历史的影片。Sue到德里大学的学生中选角。一群充满朝气却和芸芸大众一样对印度这个国家心如死灰的年轻人以及进...
Best friends for life, Jane and Fiona have done everything together since kindergarten - Jane following wherever Fiona will lead. Left devastated and adrift following Fiona's sudden suicide, Jane&...
An 80-year-old man with a penchant for real life games in a story about rights and wrongs. It's a story about the decisions one makes in their lifetime and the fact that every decision has its rep...