The eighth season of the British spy series "MI-5," which follows secret agents as they foil evil plots around the globe, begins with the fallout from Harry's kidnapping by the Russian...
Season nine of long-running British spy thriller "MI-5" opens with Ros' (Hermione Norris) funeral, where Harry (Peter Firth) learns of a shocking betrayal at the highest level. Also th...
环球宣布由迈尔斯·特勒主演的新片[感谢您的服役](Thank You for Your Service,暂译)将于今年10月27日登陆北美院线,正式进军颁奖季。影片由杰森·霍尔([美国狙击手]编剧)首执导筒,根据著名的纪实文学作家大卫·芬克尔的同名作品改编,着重描写了战后老兵返乡后所遇到的困境。...