As the team tries to decipher Lotor's plan for the comet, Coran gives the Paladins a history lesson about the origins of Voltron and the ongoing war....
Following on from the sacrifice of the Castle of Lions, the Paladins and their allies need to figure out a way to recharge the Lions after their battle with Lotor, and a way back to home....
Five Earth teens - Keith, Lance, Hunk, Pidge and Shiro - who become the last line of defense for the galaxy in an intergalactic battle against the evil alien force led by King Zarkon....
当《DC 超级英雄女孩》、《末日军团》、《少年悍将 GO!》遇上氪星远古女神,会擦出何种火花?当然免不了一番大乱斗!在氪星护身符的加持下,雷克斯路瑟伙同超级恶棍,绑架了地球上所有的超级英雄。如今,只有超级英雄女孩能与末日军团抗衡了。这群女孩必须穿梭于各个次元,从幻影空间救出其他英雄。然而,混乱当前,她们误入了另一个宇宙,陷入混淆之中,难辨正邪。这场 DC 宇宙的传奇战役,能否守护地球逃过一劫?...
“Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules,” is an all-new animated movie based on the second book in Jeff Kinney’s wildly popular book series. The original song from the film, “Can You Smell Us Now,” wri...