Ex-cop Jack Taylor earns a reputation for being a tough-as-nails private investigator who's not afraid to take on vigilantes or track down killers. List of episodes: "The Guards"...
Ex-cop Jack Taylor earns a reputation for being a tough-as-nails private investigator who's not afraid to take on vigilantes or track down killers. List of episodes: "The Guards"...
Ex-cop Jack Taylor earns a reputation for being a tough-as-nails private investigator who's not afraid to take on vigilantes or track down killers. List of episodes: "The Guards"...
小说家丹尼尔(奥斯卡·马丁内兹 Oscar Martínez 饰)从刚出道起事业就顺风顺水,如今更是获得了诺贝尔文学奖的殊荣,攀登上了职业的顶峰,然而这荣誉却并未带给他满足,恰恰相反,丹尼尔担心名声和财富会夺走他文学创作上的灵感与锋芒。 一晃眼五年过去,丹尼尔热度不减,邀约和奖项不断,可冷淡而又避世的他只教助手一一回绝。一封来自小镇萨拉斯的信吸引了丹尼尔的注意,萨拉斯是他阔别已久的故乡,如今...