A social worker, still reeling from the loss of her architect husband, investigates the eccentric, psychedelic Wadsworth Family, consisting of a mother, two daughters, and an adult son with the appa...
英国的德尔斯布勒,正悄悄展开一场游戏。这是属于富翁和杀戮者的残酷游戏,它每7年举行一次,幕后操纵者以一千万美元奖金为诱饵召集了世界上30位顶尖杀手,在24小时之内,他们将在这个小镇内捉对厮杀,只有最后的王者才能获得巨额报酬。与此同时,富豪们坐在大屏幕前观看现场直播,大赌输赢,场面极其疯狂。 本次杀人锦标赛云集了赖莱珍(胡凯丽 Kelly Hu 饰)、安东•博加特、尤里•彼德洛夫(Scott ...
历经磨难与考验,银河护卫队总算在虚无之地暂时安顿下来。可就在某一天,不速之客亚当术士(威尔·保尔特 Will Poulter 饰)的闯入不仅打破了这里的安宁与祥和,更将一场生死危机带到这群好朋友中间。战斗中,火箭浣熊(布莱德利·库珀 Bradley Cooper 配音) 身负重伤,奄奄一息。为了拯救好友的生命,星爵(克里斯·帕拉特 Chris Pratt 饰)和星云(凯伦·吉兰 Karen G...
Ana is alive and married with Antonio; they arrive in the manor in the countryside of Spain where she worked as a nanny many years ago, for the centennial birthday of the matriarch. In their reunion...