The third season began on March 14, 2009 with the three-part premiere, Transwarped, and ended on May 23, 2009. This season following the events of Transwarped focused on the Autobots' attempt to reach...
This season began merely two whole weeks after the first season had ended, on April 19, 2008, with the airing of The Elite Guard, and ended on July 5, 2008, with the two-parter, A Bridge Too Close. Th...
Tiana, Moana, Snow White, Rapunzel, and Ariel are off on an adventure as they are each unexpectedly transported to a mysterious castle. Shortly after arriving, they soon discover that Gaston has hatch...
一晃十年过去,地球人和虫族的战争如火如荼,愈演愈烈。某日,空军元帅奥玛?阿诺克(斯蒂芬?霍根 Stephen Hogan 饰)来地球人的远方农场罗库山视察,时任上校的强尼?瑞克(加斯帕?范?迪恩 Casper Van Dien 饰)也一同前来。在此期间,阿诺克的心智被虫王操控,他切断了隔离区的电力,使基地完全失去保护。是夜,虫族对隔离区发动总攻,地球军虽顽强抵抗,终因寡不敌众而告败,基地陷落。阿诺...
10月2日星期五,美国东部/太平洋时间晚8点,将在卡通频道进行《星球大战:克隆人战争——赏金猎人的崛起》的首播,连续播出《Holocron Heist》和《Cargo of Doom》,在这不容错过的两集中,由冷酷无情的凯德·贝恩率领,赏金猎人和残忍的雇佣军抢尽了这部系列剧的风头。这是次特殊的,一小时长度的《克隆人战争》大事件!(译注:含广告时间) 贝恩在第一季震撼性的结尾初登场,此次复出将...