When one is in search of what he needs, only to find it when he returns home. This is a story of a man who comes back home to recover from big city life. But it’s not that easy when he has to fight...
1348年,黑死病蔓延欧洲,诸国上下尸横遍野,饿殍满街。在这个人人自危的黑暗时代,年轻的英格兰传教士奥斯曼(埃迪·雷德梅尼 Eddie Redmayne 饰)依旧试图坚守他的信仰和岗位。适值此时,骑士奥立克(肖恩·宾 Sean Bean 饰)带领手下来到奥斯曼所在的教堂。起因是主教听说丹维兹森林附近某个村庄无一人感染瘟疫,因此派遣奥立克前去探明情况。因该村庄靠近奥斯曼成长的故乡,他主动请缨担当奥立...