Thirteen year-old Holly Hobbie lives with her family in Collinsville, a picture perfect North American small town with main-street values. Each episode follows Holly trying to make the world a bette...
Cobie Smulders主演﹑Jason Richman负责的《树墩城侦探 Stumptown》改编自同名图画小说,剧中讲述具实力、自信、机智的女主Dex Parios过去是个陆军老兵,而她现在于俄勒冈州波特兰市中当私家侦探。在漫威电 影宇宙里饰演Maria Hill﹑《老爸老妈的浪漫史 How I Met Your Mother》主演Cobie Smulders饰演女主角,Dex以前是军队海...
NBC预订Joan Rater及Tony Phelan负责的新剧《父亲委员会 Council of Dads》,这部剧灵感来自Bruce Feiler的回忆录《The Council of Dads: My Daughters, My Illness and the Men Who Could Be Me》,剧中讲述有四个孩子的Scott Perry确诊癌症后,他和妻子Robin决定挑选不同朋友,...